Each year hundreds of people are bitten by snakes in Africa. Untreated many people lose limbs, can no longer work to survive and even die.

Treatment of antivenom is incredibly expensive compared to the wages most victims receive for their work making it untenable to get treatment.


At Natural Success we have a way of helping.


Everyone attending one of William Whitecloud's courses agrees to abide by these attendance rules: If you are late to any session you agree to donate USD$30 to the Eswatini Antivenom Foundation for that instance.


*Yes that means that if you are late 3 times that you agree to donate 3x $30


This is an honour system - which means that it is up to you to live true to your word by following through on your actions.

(Remember your subconscious is always watching!)

William Whitecloud

The snakes thank you for your donation.


This donation goes Antivenom Foundation whose work not only helps those bitten but also works to keep snakes from being needlessly killed.

Secure Order

256BIT – Encryption

Snakebite Fund Honour System

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